teaching english

How to Start Teaching English

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How To Start Teaching English to ESL Students (And Methods To Incorporate)

With the right amount of planning and understanding of your learners, teaching English to ESL learners can be really fun. Here’s a simple guide on how to start teaching ESL students.

How To Start Teaching English to ESL Students

Here are three tips you can use to creatively teach ESL students.

1. Learn About The Students

ESL students come from all over the world. They also have different learning styles, interests, and needs. Before you can teach ESL students, you need a thorough understanding of their backgrounds, cultures, and the kinds of materials they are accustomed to using in their native countries.

Once you have an idea about the kind of support your students need, you can begin developing lesson plans that meet their needs.

2. Incorporate Visuals And Props

According to a study conducted in educational institutions across the District Dera Ghazi Khan, visuals are an excellent way to teach English to ESL students because they help teachers explain concepts better which helps students understand what you’re saying. For example, if you want your students to learn about animals, bring in stuffed animals or pictures of animals from magazines and newspapers. 

3. Use Fun Games And Activities

One of the most important things you can do when you first start teaching ESL is to ensure that your students are engaged with what they are doing. This means using games and activities that help them learn new vocabulary and grammar structures. You can play games like Hangman or hangman-type word puzzles that are related to what you’re covering in class. This will help them learn English while having fun at the same time. 

What Is The Best Teaching Method To Teach English?

Incorporating various teaching methods enables you to be flexible with your teaching style, and provides a holistic approach to teaching English. This allows your learners to have a well-rounded understanding of the language, so they can effectively communicate in and outside the classroom. Here are four teaching methods you can make use of when teaching English.

1. Direct Method 

The direct method of teaching is one method used by many ESL teachers. This type of teaching focuses on getting students to speak English naturally as opposed to using grammar rules. The direct method works best with younger children who have had little or no prior exposure to English before coming to school.

2. Total Physical Response

The Total Physical Response (TPR) relies on students using gestures to respond to what the teacher is saying helps ESL students grasp concepts more quickly and easily than if they were just reading from a textbook. Teaching English through TPR can also help improve listening skills because it forces students to pay attention closely while participating in class discussions or group work activities .

3. Inquiry-Based Approach

The inquiry-based approach emphasizes students’ ability to solve problems and attain a sense of independence. It lets them work out their own solutions rather than rely on the teacher to give them the answers. It’s a great approach that builds students’ confidence and encourages them to learn from their mistakes.

4. Communicative Language Teaching (CLT). 

This method focuses on speaking and listening skills, rather than memorizing vocabulary or grammar rules. It encourages students to use English for real-life situations rather than just for academic study. The goal is for students to engage in conversations with native speakers without having any trouble understanding what they’re saying.


With proper planning, teaching English to ESL students can be a very rewarding pursuit. The only limitation to how you can meet students from where they are to where they need to be is your imagination. Take the time to reflect on your previous lessons to adjust and incorporate new teaching methods for your upcoming lessons to make the lesson worthwhile for you and your learners.