

How To Off Grid Living

How to Live Off Grid and Have an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle How to off grid living. If you are wondering how to live off the grid and have a more eco-friendly lifestyle, there are some things you can do. One great…

What is Off Grid Living?

What is off grid living? The purists would say, ‘Living off the land and not even using gas or powered tools- like the Amish without the religious restrictions.’ Even though we’re fully well-intentioned, that may be a bit extreme for…

Off Grid Living for Beginners

Off grid living for beginners: Either you’re just curious, moving in this direction- or ready to just jump into things. Off grid living is a great choice for people who are creative, enjoy hard work, and enjoy fixing things. Rather…

What States Allow Off Grid Living?

So what states allow off grid living? Whether you’re thinking about relocating to the country, or are simply interested in living off the grid, it can be confusing to figure out where to start. Fortunately, there are many states where…

Off Grid Living Essentials

When it comes to off grid living essentials- first things first- you’ll need reliable transportation. Because unless you’ve the skills to really walk away and live off of the land, you’ll need people and the things they sell… After that-…

Off Grid Living Ideas

No matter what your situation, there are so many ways to put your off grid living ideas to work. Bit by bit, and piece by piece, you can gradually remove your dependency from over-priced and even dirty energy. But some…

How to Live Sustainable

Living a Sustainable Lifestyle How to Live Sustainable? The answer to the question is completely dependent on your view, needs/wants, situation and stage in life… There are many ways to reduce your impact on the environment and save money at…

Sustainable Living Products

Sustainable Living Products for Millennials Millennials are buying eco-friendly products. They are willing to spend more to make their homes more sustainable. Sustainable living products include reusable containers, Off-grid homes, and Energy efficient lighting. In addition, these products are safe…

Off Grid Living Costs

Besides the obvious cost of constructing your own solar panels, Off grid living costs involves other expenses such as securing your property. Electric fences cost about $3,000 to $4,000. Other security expenses include netting, which keeps hawks and predators out.…

Sustainable Living Ideas

Sustainable Living Ideas to Help the Environment There are many sustainable living ideas that you can try to help the environment. These ideas range from making simple DIY green projects to changing your lifestyle to buying eco-friendly products. Many people…