House in Bali, Indonesia

Buying a House in Bali, Indonesia?

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Buying a House in Bali…

Are you thinking about buying a house in Bali, Indonesia? We’ve all seen those captivating advertisements on the TV that seem to show pristine beaches, azure waters, and smiling locals. It looks like paradise, and it can be – but there are a few things you need to know before you take the plunge and purchase property in Bali.

Buying a house in Bali, Indonesia, is not as easy as it sounds. There are a lot of regulations and red tape involved, so it’s essential to have good professional help on your side. The process can be time-consuming and frustrating, but it can be done if you’re patient and persistent.

Another thing to remember is that the cost of living in Bali is relatively high, especially if you’re used to Western prices. Food and accommodation will cost more than you’re probably used to, so it’s important to budget accordingly.

Finally, buying a house in Bali, Indonesia, is not for everyone. The culture shock can be significant, and there are often language barriers to contend with. Bali might not be the right place for you if you’re not prepared for a bit of adventure.

But if you’re up for a challenge and willing to step outside your comfort zone, buying a house in Bali, Indonesia, can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Just be sure to do your homework first!

Here are a few things to consider:


Bali is a large island with many different areas to choose from. Do you want to be near the beach? In the mountains? Close to town? Once you’ve decided on the location, you can start looking at properties.

Property Type

What kind of property do you want? Many different types of homes are available in Bali, from small bungalows to large villas. You’ll need to decide how much space you need and what kind of features you’re looking for.


If you’re considering buying a property in Bali, now is the time to do it! Not only are prices low due to the global pandemic, but you’re also likely to experience a good return on investment in the future.

Currently, asking prices are 30 – 50% below what they were before Covid. But once global travel returns to pre-Covid levels and the Indonesian economy recovers fully, prices are probably heading for a steep increase.

Can a Foreigner Buy a House in Bali?

The short answer is yes, but there are a few things you need to know first:

  • Foreigners can only own property through an Indonesian legal entity, such as a PT PMA.
  • Freehold ownership is not possible for foreigners; however, the Right to Use or Right to Build title allows clear legal grounding for your investment.

Indonesia’s Omnibus Law encourages foreigners to invest in property. The government recognizes property investors’ effect on the country’s economic growth and has put in place several measures to make it easier for foreigners to buy property in Bali.

Buying a House in Bali, Indonesia:  In a Nutshell

Bali is an increasingly popular destination for retirees, digital nomads, and those seeking a more laid-back lifestyle. Coupled with the current global pandemic, which has caused a dramatic decrease in international travel, now is the perfect time to invest in property in Bali.

From stunning beaches and world-class surfing to verdant rice paddies and lush jungle, Bali is an increasingly popular destination for retirees, digital nomads, and those seeking a more laid-back lifestyle. Add to that the island’s vibrant culture, diverse cuisine, and friendly locals. You’re not only buying a house in Bali, Indonesia but securing your very own spot in paradise!