Category Off-Grid Living

Off-grid living info, tips and suggestions…

Cheapest Places to Live Off Grid

Whether you want to live off the grid or simply have a homestead, there are plenty of places to live that can be a good fit for you. However, it’s important to know what you’re looking for so that you…

Off Grid Living Equipment

Whether you’re planning on living off the grid, or simply need to know what equipment to buy, there’s no shortage of information on the Internet. It’s important to know which equipment to buy to make your off-grid life easier and…

Off Grid Living Tips

Whether you are trying to live off the grid or already have a system in place, there are many ways to improve your survival skills and make your home more sustainable. Some of these tips include: digging a well, Hunting…

Off Grid Living Costs

Those who are considering going off the grid should be aware of the costs involved. This includes land, electricity, water and hygiene and cleaning gadgets. The cost of off grid living can vary greatly, depending on the location and the…

Off Grid Living Homes

Whether you’re looking to go off grid or just want to have your home be powered by the sun, there are several options available to you. One of the more popular options is to build a system that uses solar…

Off Grid Vs On Grid Solar Systems

The main difference between off-grid solar panels and on-grid solar panels is their reliance on solar radiation. These solar panels rely on the sun’s energy, so prolonged periods of cloudy weather can significantly impact their power outputs. In addition, off-grid…

Do Off Grid Homes Require Special Insurance Coverage?

Off-grid solar Many advantages of off-grid solar homes are well worth the additional costs, but these systems aren’t appropriate for every home. Off-grid solar systems can be expensive and require special insurance coverage, and they require additional backup power sources…

Is Off Grid Living Illegal?

If you’re planning to go off the grid, you might be wondering: Is off grid living illegal? In some cities, it is. Some municipalities require a certain minimum square footage for a building. You might even be in violation of…

Off Grid Living Homesteading

Off-grid living homesteading begins with identifying where you currently rely on the Grid and making changes to reduce your dependency. Start small by swapping out appliances. For example, you can trade in your bread machine for a good arm workout…

Off Grid Living Washington State

If you want to live off the grid in Washington State, there are many factors to consider. Those factors include the costs, natural disasters, and restrictions on off-grid living in Washington. If you’re considering going off the grid, read this…