Category Sustainable Living

Info, tips and techniques to help support sustainable living in all the stages of your life.

Sustainable Living Lifestyle

A sustainable living lifestyle is a way of life that reduces your impact on the environment. This lifestyle is also referred to as net zero living or zero wastage living. Some of the steps you can take to make your…

Sustainable Living in an Apartment

Sustainable living in an apartment begins with basic changes. For example, it is important to turn off the water when brushing your teeth, turn off the lights when leaving a room, and adjust your thermostat when necessary. If you are…

Sustainable Living Activities

Sustainable living activities involve reducing waste and doing things that are good for the environment. Some of these activities include composting, recycling, and walking. Students can also learn about carbon footprints and how they affect sustainability. Students can use a…

Sustainable Living Food

How to Live a Green Life With Sustainable Living Food If you are interested in reducing your carbon footprint and contributing to the fight against climate change, you may want to consider a plant-based diet. A plant-based diet minimizes the…

Sustainable Living For Beginners

Sustainable living for beginners starts with small steps. Those steps can include Making your own products, Upcycling, and trading plastic. You can also consider using less plastic. Buying less and reducing your consumption are other important first steps. These methods…

Sustainable Living Facts

Sustainable living is the practice of reducing our use of the Earth’s natural resources. This is also known as “zero wastage” or “net zero” living. It is the process of avoiding depleting the Earth’s resources and promoting healthy oceans and…

Sustainable Living Hacks

Transitioning to a sustainable life can be overwhelming, but there are some simple hacks that can help make the transition easier. A sustainable lifestyle is all about improvement. These hacks range from making ecobricks to swapping plastic containers for mason…

Sustainable Living Habits

There are many ways to reduce the impact of your lifestyle on the environment. You can carpool, ride your bike to work, avoid single-use plastics, and compost your food waste. These are all easy and practical ways to improve your…

Sustainable Living Jobs

Sustainable living jobs offer several career paths. The following article outlines some of these career paths and the education requirements for those seeking sustainable living jobs. Whether you’d like to work in an office, nonprofit, or other setting, there are…

Sustainable Living Movements

Sustainable living movements have emerged in many different forms over the years, including eco-tourism and green businesses. The green business movement began in the early 1990s, as companies began to create brands with a focus on environmental issues. The aim…