Category Sustainable Living

Info, tips and techniques to help support sustainable living in all the stages of your life.

Sustainable Places to Live

People who are committed to the environment often look for sustainable places to live. This can make them feel at home and connected to the community. One of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals is to create sustainable communities that…

Sustainable Living Options

If you’d like to live a more environmentally-friendly lifestyle, you have many sustainable living options. These include making things yourself at home, using recycled shipping containers and low-flush toilets. Other options include purchasing items at local markets, which often use…

Sustainable Living Statistics

Sustainable living statistics reveal the impact of everyday actions on our environment. The growing human population is already straining the earth’s resources, including water and food. In addition, approximately 20 to 50 million metric tons of electronic waste are produced…

How to Live Sustainable

Living a Sustainable Lifestyle How to Live Sustainable? The answer to the question is completely dependent on your view, needs/wants, situation and stage in life… There are many ways to reduce your impact on the environment and save money at…

Sustainable Living Products

Sustainable Living Products for Millennials Millennials are buying eco-friendly products. They are willing to spend more to make their homes more sustainable. Sustainable living products include reusable containers, Off-grid homes, and Energy efficient lighting. In addition, these products are safe…

Sustainable Living Ideas

Sustainable Living Ideas to Help the Environment There are many sustainable living ideas that you can try to help the environment. These ideas range from making simple DIY green projects to changing your lifestyle to buying eco-friendly products. Many people…

Sustainable Living Examples

Sustainable living by example is a practice of making conscious lifestyle choices that minimize our negative impact on the environment. Its main aim is to reduce our carbon footprint and preserve Earth’s resources. For example, some people bike or take…

why is sustainability important

Why is Sustainable Living Important?

Is Sustainable Living Really That Important? Living more sustainably helps the environment by using fewer fossil fuels. This reduces the emissions of harmful greenhouse gases, which are a contributing factor to climate change. Living sustainably also means reducing your carbon…