Freelance Writers

Freelance Writing for Beginners

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How to Start Freelance Writing: A Simple Guide

Freelance writing for beginners. There are many articles dedicated to tips and tricks for beginner freelance writers. Some of the information can be so conflicting that you can’t help but feel overwhelmed as a newbie. So if you want to know how to start freelance writing as a beginner, carry on reading this article.

How Do I Start As A Freelance Writer

Here’s how to start freelance writing as a beginner.

1. Choose A Niche

A niche is an area or industry you wish to focus on. It’s not necessary to niche down, but doing so allows you to hone your skills in the industry you cater to. There are over 100 niches to choose from, and you can also have a niche-within-a-niche if you want to narrow down the fields you want to serve. Here are examples of a niche:

  • Health 
  • Gardening 
  • Pets
  • Food
  • Nutrition

2. Set Up A Portfolio

Creating samples of your work is a great way to showcase your writing skills. You can create a Medium account and start blogging, set up a free blog on WordPress, Wix, or Blogger. Once you have samples, you can neatly organize them into a portfolio. Having a portfolio puts your business in a professional light and makes it easier to share your work as one link instead of having a list of links for clients. Here’s a list of platforms where you can set up a free portfolio. 

  • Clippings. me
  • Contently
  • Pressfolios
  • Journoportfolio

How Do I Start Content Writing With No Experience?

Now that you have your samples sorted out, you might be thinking, “how (and where) do I start getting some writing experience?” I’ve got you covered! Here are four simple ways to start writing content with no experience.

1. Network with other freelance writers

The beauty of networking with other writers is that you’ll get acquainted with professional writers. They can become your mentors and guide you on the best practices when dealing with clients, setting your rates, and providing valuable feedback on your writing. You can join Facebook groups for freelance writers, follow writers on Twitter or set up an account on LinkedIn, and connect with other writers.

2. Get Agency Work

Most agencies are always in need of writers. They provide consistent work, and you’ll work closely with an editor to help you improve your writing skills. To find agencies hiring freelance writers, type in “content marketing agencies” on Google, visit the agency’s website, and head over to their careers page. 

If there’s a section hiring for writers, fill in the form provided and submit the required documents.

3. Market yourself

Freelance writing is a business, so you should put your services in front of people who need them. Set aside a few hours daily to reach out to clients via cold email or write pitches to editors you wish to work with. Set a monthly marketing goal to send out 50-100 pitches and emails to increase your chances of getting a response and having consistent work. 

Jobs boards such as Problogger and Flexjobs are also good places to look because clients post writing jobs in various niches daily.

4. Never stop learning

There’s always room for improvement, no matter how good of a writer you are. Gather any feedback from editors and clients, learn from it and increase your rates as your writing improves. 


Being a beginner in the freelance writing industry can be quite overwhelming, but with enough guidance, you’ll notice just how full of opportunities this career path can be. Don’t be afraid to network with other writers because they provide a lot of support when you need it most.