General Van Care and Maintenance For Van Life

General van care and maintenance is important to make sure your van is not only road worthy but safe and comfortable for you and other road users. Taking the time to do a few simple checks before you hit the road can help your van work efficiently and give you maximum value when it comes to resale.


Brakes are a vital part of your van, and if you want to keep them functioning properly it’s important to get them inspected regularly. The braking system is an intricate system that relies on several steps working together to slow down and stop your vehicle safely.

When you press the brake pedal, a series of pipes transmit the pressure to your brake calipers and the brake lines that contain brake fluid. The brake lines then push against your drum or disc brakes to slow down and stop the wheels by friction.

There are a few things that can cause the braking system to fail or need repairs. For example, a crushed brake hose can cause your calipers to become seized and a leak in your hose can damage the entire braking system.

Depending on your vehicle, you may also need to change the brake fluid. The fluid is stored in a reservoir called the master cylinder. Check the reservoir’s level to ensure it isn’t too low.

If it is, replace the brake fluid and flush out the system to remove any clogs that could be causing the problem. You can do this yourself or hire a qualified technician to do it for you.

The RAC recommends changing brake pads every 25,000 to 65,000 miles, but the exact number depends on your driving style and environment. For example, if you spend much of your time on the motorway, your pads will last longer than if you drive around town.

You can also extend the life of your brakes by driving them carefully. For example, you should never brake too hard when driving up a hill, as this will cause your brakes to overheat and wear out more quickly. Instead, coast up the hill, and then brake when it’s safe to do so. This is a great way to save money on gas, and it will also extend the lifetime of your brake pads.


Having good tyres is important for safe van travel. They’re essential to the handling of your vehicle, and the tyres you choose should last for a long time.

There are many different types of tyres, including Highway Terrain (H/T) tyres, All-Terrain tyres and Mud Terrain tyres. They all offer different levels of performance and are designed for specific uses.

H/T tyres are designed for on-road driving and towing and have a high speed rating. They can be a little noisy on the road but generally last longer than other tyres and are cheaper to buy.

A/T tyres have a tread pattern similar to a car tyre and offer good on-road grip but don’t have the same load-carrying capacity as the H/T tyres. They can be a bit more puncture-resistant than H/T tyres but can also be less expensive to buy.

Light Truck tyres have a stronger carcass and can carry more weight than H/T or A/T tyres, but they’re not as puncture-resistant as other tyres. They can be very strong and are often used in vans and sprinter trucks, but they don’t have the same grip as an A/T tyre or M/T tyre.

If you’re planning on taking your van out on the open road, you should lower the tyre pressures to 25psi as these are less stiff and can help reduce the chance of tyre punctures on rough dirt roads. Always re-inflate tyres to the correct tyre pressure when returning to sealed roads, as this will improve traffic safety and extend the life of your tyres.


The battery is the heart of your vehicle, so it’s important to have a good one. A poorly maintained battery can lead to performance problems, and it’s also a safety concern as it can be dangerous to drive with an unreliable battery.

Batteries are subjected to a lot of different kinds of problems, so it’s important to make sure that you take care of them properly. You can do this by testing them regularly and making sure that they’re clean and free from corrosion.

It’s important to check your battery’s fluid level before driving and when it’s parked, too. Keep it as close to full as possible and use distilled water, as this removes any minerals that could contaminate the battery.

You should also make sure that the battery cables are intact and tight at all times, as loose or damaged connections can cause problems in the future. This will save you money in the long run as it can prolong the life of your battery.

Lastly, it’s important to store your battery in a cool place when not in use. Extreme temperatures can damage the battery and reduce its capacity.

When you’re replacing a battery, choose the best one for your vehicle and your needs. Consider how you’ll be using it and what types of accessories you have installed.

You should also look at the warranty of a battery when shopping for a replacement. It’s important to find a battery with a good warranty so that you can get reimbursed if something does happen. The warranty will typically include a free-replacement period and a prorated period, so you should read the fine print closely to ensure that you’re getting everything you need.


A van that has good electrical work done on it can be a lifesaver when things go wrong on the road. This is especially true when you’re driving through the wilderness or in remote areas where help might be a long ways away.

When customers come to you to fix their electrical problems, they want it fixed quickly and done correctly. They also want to be confident that you have the equipment and tools to do a good job.

An organized, tidy work van can make the difference between a satisfied customer and one that leaves your company with negative reviews. When your customers can find what they need quickly, you’ll be able to get more jobs and earn more referrals to their friends and family.

Upfitting your van with shelving and racking can improve efficiency instantly, so you don’t have to waste time hunting for tools and supplies. It will also save you money on lost items and damage.

Electricians often have a lot of different tools and equipment to carry around with them. Shelving and racking can house them all in convenient locations, so your crew knows where to find the supplies they need without spending too much time searching.

It’s also important to have a safe and comfortable place to work in your van. Whether it’s a composite wood or aluminum floor, or a rubber mat, having a proper working environment can make your day more productive and your work more enjoyable. You’ll be able to move around more easily and won’t have to worry about slipping or falling while working. You’ll also be able to get the job done faster and more efficiently, which will help you make more money and grow your business.


Getting the right heating is essential to staying comfortable in your van. It can be the difference between sleeping well in a warm campervan and freezing to death in a cold one. Whether you are a full-time vanlifer or planning a short winter road trip, you want to ensure you have good heating.

There are many options for heating your van including gas heaters, diesel furnaces, electric and wood stoves. Each has their pros and cons and you need to find the best option for your needs.

Insulate the van properly to reduce the amount of energy used. This means using a high quality insulation product and a vapour barrier for the interior walls. This is also essential to prevent moisture from causing mould in your van.

Covering your van with fabric or draping blankets over the walls is another great way to insulate. This works because it creates a barrier between the cold outside and the warm inside of your van.

Insulation is an important part of the construction process for any van conversion because it helps stop the transfer of heat between the outer and inner parts of the van. It can help reduce the temperature of your van by as much as 10 degrees, so it is definitely worth considering if you are building a custom van.

If you have metal exposed throughout your van, consider covering these areas with thick curtains to trap the heat in. This will make your van feel much warmer, and it will be easier to get the heater on when you need it.

It is also a good idea to make sure you are wearing the right clothes for the weather. This will help keep you warm as well.

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