Start As a Freelance Writer

How Do I Start As A Freelance Writer?

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So You Want to Get Started As A Freelance Writer?

So you decided to become a freelance writer? Good for you! The road to becoming a successful writer can be exciting, frustrating, and confusing. But with determination and decent writing skills, landing clients can be a breeze. Here are actionable steps to take to start as a freelance writer. Ready? Let’s go!

How To Become A Freelance Writer With No Experience?

Did you know that you don’t need qualifications to start writing? If you’re a good writer, you’ll start adding value to clients in whatever type of writing you focus on. Here’s how to become a writer with no experience.

1. Identify The Type Of Writing You Enjoy

When you’re new to the industry, you might be thinking, “do I really need to focus on one type of writing?” You don’t. But choosing one allows you to narrow down the areas to concentrate on, and makes it easier to develop your expertise. Here are examples of types of writing to choose from:

  • Blog posts (and articles)
  • Newsletters
  • Emails

Once you’ve identified the type of writing you enjoy, spend time reading other people’s work to learn the formatting and structure that goes into that kind of writing.

2. Choose A Niche/s

Having a niche is advantageous because when you’re ready to pitch to clients, you’ll know exactly where to look for them. Eventually, you’ll scale up to a point where you’re an expert in that field. 

When choosing a niche, start with what you know. Think of anything that interests you or you have experience in; that can be your niche.

3. Create A Portfolio

Now that you’ve chosen a niche and type of writing, it’s time to create a portfolio of writing samples to show your clients. You can start a blog using WordPress, Squarespace, or Wix. Or you can set up an account on Medium and start blogging. 

4. Market yourself

When you’re in the freelance industry, you need to understand that you’re running a business. This means you need to market yourself to people who have content needs. You can do this by signing up on job posts such as:

  • Problogger
  • Flexjobs

Or, if you want to write for publications, you can send pitches to editors you wish to work with along with relevant samples. 

How Hard Is It To Become A Freelance Writer?

Being a freelance writer can be challenging. A few of the things that make this industry hard to navigate are:

1. It’s A Competitive Industry

According to Zippia, 82% of freelancers in the US are writers, and an article published on Forbes says we should expect to see an increase in individuals joining the industry. 

2. The Industry And The Way People Consume Content Are Continuously Evolving

If you don’t take the time to update your skills (SEO, staying on top of trends in the industry, and understanding users’ needs), finding work can be a challenge. 

3. Consistent Work Can Be Hard To Come By, And Not Every Client Will Like Your Writing. 

You need a great amount of self-motivation to be able to face rejection and criticism and understand the dynamics of the business when times are slow. And you can’t be a perfect writer for every client. Some feel you can’t match their tone of voice, and some are just downright difficult clients. Once you understand this, you’ll be able to redirect your services to those who value your writing.


Starting as a freelance writer can be tricky to maneuver, but it doesn’t have to be impossible. Before jumping into the field, take time to learn the industry and how the business side of it works. Once you’ve gotten the basics underway, put yourself out there, gather feedback and improve as you go.