International Travel Outfits

When you are taking an international flight, it is important to dress comfortably. A less formal outfit will make you feel more comfortable, and you should avoid oversized coats. You can also go for a more classic American look. Just make sure that you choose a comfortable material. You don’t want to wear something that is too hot or too cold.

Comfortable materials

There are some essential factors you should consider when shopping for comfortable materials for your international travel outfits. For instance, you want to make sure that you are wearing breathable materials to ensure that you stay cool during the flight. For example, cotton, linen, and silk are all good choices because they allow adequate air flow to your skin, helping to prevent sweat clogging and keeping you feeling fresh. However, you can also opt for man-made, quick-drying materials like polyester and spandex blends.

Another important thing to keep in mind is the stretchability of the material. This type of fabric keeps you comfortable during long flights and commutes, and it also offers more room. Another benefit is that it can wick away moisture, which is a plus when you’re on a plane for hours.


When you’re travelling abroad, layering your international travel outfits can be a life saver. Layering items such as a sweater with a T-shirt and a lightweight blazer over it can keep you warm during long flights. It’s also possible to work voluminous pieces into your outfit, such as a scarf or shawl.

Layering pieces can help you pack lighter and allow you to be more flexible in the changing weather. For example, in winter, you can layer a heavy sweater with leggings, while in summer, a tank top and a light scarf can go a long way. Whether you’re traveling to an ice-cold destination or a tropical locale, layers will help you dress appropriately for the climate.

Classic American look

Classic American travel clothes are easy to blend into a European environment. White T-shirts and jeans are classic American styles, but you can also try navy blazers for an elegant look. A navy blazer can be worn with a T for a casual look, or paired with a nice blouse and formal pants for a more sophisticated look.

Avoiding oversized coats

Oversized coats don’t fit in carry-ons, and they also can’t be put on or taken off airplane seats. Instead, invest in an all-season jacket that will keep you warm in the winter and light enough for crisp autumn. Luckily, there are some great options out there.

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