International Travel Packing List

Making an international travel packing list is a great way to take the stress out of packing for your vacation. A checklist can include everything from travel documents to essentials for a beach vacation. There are apps and templates available that make it easy to create a packing list. Here are a few suggestions. You can also make a customized list for your trip based on the destination and your plans.

Essentials to pack for long-term international travel

When preparing for long-term travel abroad, you will need to take a few essentials. These items will ensure that you’ll be comfortable during the trip. The most important item to pack is an adapter, as you will need it to plug in your electronics. Another essential item is headphones, which you can use to listen to music or podcasts. In addition, earplugs will help you sleep better in a noisy environment.

A basic first aid kit is another essential item to include in your suitcase. This kit can help you if you get hurt while traveling abroad. Basic first aid items may include plasters, antiseptic cream, antihistamines, and malaria tablets. Also, you should bring a knife, which can be used to cut a tomato or open a wine bottle.


If you’re traveling abroad, you’ll want to make sure you have the right vaccines. Routine vaccines include the measles-mumps-rubella, diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, chickenpox, polio, hepatitis A and B, and an annual flu vaccine. But you’ll also need to get extra shots depending on your destination. For example, if you’re going to Africa or South America, you’ll need to get yellow fever vaccine. On the other hand, if you’re traveling to Europe, you’ll probably not need any extra shots.

You should also check with the CDC for the latest travel warnings and information. Some countries require proof of vaccination for certain diseases, and you may have to get additional vaccines if you’re traveling to developing countries or rural areas. You may also need additional shots if you’re pregnant, have a weakened immune system, or have certain chronic illnesses. Even routine vaccinations are important. Diseases such as measles and rubella may be rare in the United States, but they can be widespread in other countries.


When you’re traveling overseas, you should remember to bring the appropriate voltage converter and adapter for your electronics. This can prevent permanent damage to your electronics. Check your device’s support website or label for information on the correct voltage for the country you’re visiting. If you don’t have a voltage converter for your device, you should purchase one to make your travels hassle-free.

You should also know that outlets and voltage in Europe and other parts of the world are different. Be sure to pack plug converters so you don’t damage your electronics. Another useful item to pack is a small power strip so you can charge many electronics simultaneously. Finally, don’t forget to pack chargers for your electronics, especially if you’re traveling with a large number of them.

Organizing your items on a flight

One of the easiest ways to organize your items on a flight when traveling internationally is to pack a reusable, multi-sized bag. These bags will not only make the process of packing easier, but they can also help you keep your items separated and secure. Using a multi-sized bag will prevent your belongings from tangling and falling out of your luggage.

Another way to organize your items is to use packing cubes. They can help you organize your clothes by type. For example, you can group your shirts and pants together. The same goes for your underwear and jackets. Using packing cubes can help you find specific clothing more easily.

Time of year to travel

The time of year you travel can have a big impact on the items you should pack. There are certain seasons that are more temperate than others and a multi-destination trip can mean many different temperatures. Make sure to research current temperatures and the average climate before you leave. This will ensure you pack the appropriate items for your destination.

Size of suitcase to bring

When you travel internationally, you need to know what size suitcase to bring. Most airlines have different guidelines for carry-on luggage, so it’s important to visit the websites of each airline to learn more about their size requirements. Carry-on luggage should not exceed 21 x 14 x 8 inches.

A medium-sized suitcase can fit seven days of clothes. It’s also a great choice for short-haul flights.

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