Jobs for Van Life

There are plenty of ways to earn money while living the van life. From becoming a campground host to teaching English to freelance writing, there are a variety of options. All you need are a laptop and an Internet connection. If you have a degree, you can look for a position where you can be completely remote. There are also many freelance opportunities for people who have experience in different fields, including accountants, financial planners, marketers, and architects.

Working as a Campground Host

Working as a campground host is one way to enjoy a career that allows you to travel. Campground hosts have a variety of duties, ranging from meeting and greeting visitors to selling firewood, maintaining facilities, and facilitating interpretive programs. They may also be responsible for directing guests to other attractions in the area or referring them to local services.

This job is very flexible, and you can stay at one place for a long time and then move on when new campgrounds open. This job allows you to meet lots of new people and make friends in the process. You can stay connected to your new friends through social media and see them when you travel.

Many state parks offer volunteer positions for camp hosts. These positions do not pay much, but they are flexible. Most hosts give up twenty hours of their time each week in exchange for amenities and a camp site. Those who want to make more money can discuss this with their campground manager.

Freelance Writing

If you want to earn money while living in your van, freelancing is a great way to go. There are many publications that accept submissions from freelance writers, and you can even write your own blogs and websites. Freelance writing is a great option for van lifers because you do not need to have large equipment to start, just a laptop and an internet connection. It also allows you to be your own boss.

You can take a freelance writing job on the road in a van, or you can work from home. The only requirement is an internet connection, which may turn off some people. But with a little creative thinking and some time, you can turn your van into a mobile office.

You can start your freelance writing career by focusing on a particular niche. Freelance writing can be lucrative, and you can set your own rates. Some sites will allow you to set your own rates, and you can charge anywhere from $10 an hour to more than $100 an hour.

Teaching English

Many schools prefer to hire native speakers of English for their English classes, so you will need to ensure you know the language well and can lead a lively class. A TEFL course can help you become a successful English teacher, and there are several affordable options. Many of these courses also include job placement support.

Teaching English to foreign students is an excellent way to earn money while traveling. Although you will need to speak fluently and have a high school education, there are many options for working from the road. Online teaching jobs are available through sites such as DaDa, which offer flexible schedules and great pay.

You can also teach online through an online course. You can earn between $10 and $50 per hour by teaching English online. However, you will need a strong internet connection to be successful at this.


ELearning is a growing industry, and a great way to learn a new skill without leaving your home. This online learning format is more affordable than traditional classrooms, is flexible, and more personalized to the individual learner’s needs. It’s also becoming more popular with tech-savvy learners. Plus, eLearning is perfect for van life jobs, because it allows you to work at your own pace.

Graphic design is one field that can be easily done online. With the advent of Adobe Creative Cloud, this type of job can be performed anywhere in the world with little or no physical presence. This type of job requires an aesthetic sense and knowledge of software, such as CorelDraw and Adobe Creative Cloud. In addition, graphic designers are often inspired by nature, where they can draw inspiration and create beautiful images.

The van life is not for everyone, and it can be challenging. However, it can also help people learn about themselves and appreciate the little things in life. It also allows people to explore the outside world and meet new people. This means there are fewer worries, so you can do more things you love.

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