Large Water Containers

Large Water Containers for Camping

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Large Water Containers

Large water containers for camping. Large plastic bottles, also known as carriers, or canisters, are an essential item when you travel and may find yourself out of reach of a source of freshwater or you need a storage container for wastewater or shower water. 

Not only are large water containers a convenient source of water when you travel, but they’re also a lifesaver if you experience an emergency breakdown or find that you can’t access fresh water for more than a day.

What are those big containers of water called?

You’ll find that large water containers are called many things by various manufacturers. They’re commonly referred to in any of the following formats:

  • Water storage containers
  • Camping water carrier
  • Water container bags
  • Portable water container
  • Water containers with spigots
  • Portable water cooler
  • Military water container
  • Camping water storage jug

Some containers are meant for temporary use and aren’t meant to last more than a few trips. Others are designed to accompany you on many years of camping trips and traveling.

What is the best container to store water?

Some containers feature advanced filtration systems, and others are designed with spigots for easy use. Virtually all readily available large water containers are made of plastic because it’s easier to transport a plastic jug of water than a glass bottle.

The best large water container for you will always be the one that has the features you need for your trip. Do you need a classic portable sports water cooler with a spigot for your weekend spent camping? Do you need foldable water containers that you can fill and collapse as needed during a long trip? Do you need sturdy, long-lasting storage containers for your campervan?

How do you store large amounts of water?

Storing a large amount of water doesn’t necessarily mean searching for the biggest possible water container you can find. Rather, your storage container should be small enough that you’d use the water completely before the container starts to grow mold or become a little smelly.

If you’re traveling and want to make sure you have a lot of water when you’re in the middle of nowhere, a series of 5-gallon water jugs stacked around your vehicle might be your best option. Not only are 5-gallon jugs easy to transport and move when you leave a campsite, but they’re easier to store in a vehicle when you need to pack things in small spaces (like in a small trunk or on the backseat of a car).

How long will a 5-gallon water jug last?

If you’re traveling and need to have enough water on hand for emergencies, you’ll want to have at least 15.5 cups for males and 11.5 cups for females. These amounts may increase if you’re in an environment with high temperatures that cause you to sweat more. You’ll lose more fluids from your body when you sweat a lot, so you’ll need to drink more water to replace what you’ve lost.

Something else to consider is how long your 5-gallon water jug will last if you don’t drink the water. If you’re filling your jugs purely for emergencies and storing them somewhere, you’ll want to change the water every six months (or sooner).