Tiny House From a Shed

Can I Make a Tiny House From a Shed?

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Tiny house from shed

To most of us, the concept of a tiny house may seem very alien. It does seem a little bit extreme to take the step to downsize by literally about 5 – 10 times. However, money being as it is, lots of people are opting to build or buy a tiny house. Another option, of course, is to convert a shed into a tiny house.

Can I turn a shed into a tiny house?

A tiny house is just a little more than just being a really, really small living space. Yes, they are very small, but they are also designed to be compact, well-organized and maximizing on space.

A shed, on the other hand, by common form and use, it a relatively small enclosed shelter with very little in it, except what is being stored or used. There are no features, no facilities and certainly nowhere to cook.

Don’t give up on the idea, though. It is definitely possible to recreate the inside of a shed to make it habitable. This is the chance to convert a shed or storage unit into a tiny house.

The disadvantage of converting a shed into a tiny house is that it will not be mobile. This is not necessarily a drawback, though, because you may want the convenience of the size of a tiny house, without wanting to move it around.

However, if you are looking for the mobility, you may find it necessary to life the shed itself onto a trailer. This isn’t as simple as it sounds. Most sheds don’t have any form of foundation and can be moved about. However, it isn’t a matter of simply lifting the whole shed. You will need to take it apart and put it onto the trailer. Given the amount of work this may take, it may be better and more efficient in the long run to build the tiny house on the trailer from scratch.

How much does it cost to renovate a shed into a tiny house?

The question of how much it would cost to convert a shed into a tiny house is a bit like asking ‘How long is a piece of string?’ The answer is ‘As long (expensive) as it needs to be.’ This may not sound very helpful, but it is true: converting a shed can only cost as much as will cover what you want to do to it.

Given that, you can get a good idea of how much it will cost to convert your shed before you spend a cent.

Begin working on paper. Draw your shed to scale. Take note of the condition it’s in. Will you need to change anything about the structure? If so, you can check on the price of the necessary material.

Then, draw a plan of the shed and add in what you want to put in your renovated tiny home. You can also do some research to find out how much the features may cost, or at least how much the materials will be.

Alternatively, you could take your ideas to a contractor, who will advise you about what can be done and how much it will cost.

One of the great things about creating a tiny house is that the overall costs will be lower, because it takes less time to build than a standard house, so the labor will cost less.

If the basic structure and walls of the shed are in good condition, it will cost less to convert an existing structure than to begin from the ground up, so to speak.