Tiny Shed House

Can I Live in a Tiny Shed House?

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Tiny shed house

As the economy becomes tighter and tighter and prices keep shooting up, more people are looking for alternative accommodation options. One of these is the tiny house. Then, there is also the option of considering that shed that stands in your yard.

On the other hand, though, why not bring the two together in a tiny shed house?

What is a shed?

A shed is usually understood to be a structure in your yard that is used for storage, or as a workshop. Sheds are generally made of timber, but can also be created out of prefab boarding, or even steel. Arguably, a brick-and-mortar structure used for tools in your yard is also a shed.

What is a tiny shed house?

A tiny shed house can usually be thought of as a shed that has been converted into a tiny house. This is, of course, the easiest way to end up with a tiny shed house. However, if you think about it from the outside in, whey not create a tiny house that looks like a shed?

This is not quite the same as converting a shed. It is more about building a tiny house, but using walls and cladding that resemble a shed. This will surely alter some people’s ideas about either sheds or tiny houses, won’t it?

The idea of creating a tiny house that looks like a shed is most attractive when the tiny house is a permanent feature on a large property. Instead of building a conventional tiny house that is on wheels, or building a guest cottage, why not go for a tiny house that has the exterior of a work shed? This will keep the focus on the main house on the property, while giving the practicality of the tiny house.

Can you live inside a shed?

The question about living inside a shed depends on a few things:

·        What is the shed constructed from?

·        How big is it?

·        Is it weatherproof?

·        Are there any facilities inside?

If the shed is quite small, but sturdily built, weatherproof and quite warm, then one person could quite easily live inside. For more than one person, you will need to consider a bigger shed, or alternative living space.

Obviously, you’ll want your home to be comfortable. If you live in a shed, it will need to have enough of the basic amenities and features for you to be so.

One of the best options to choose for someone living in a shed is to consider refunctioning the inside to become something like a tiny home.

What is a good size shed to live in?

A good size shed for one person to live in would be about 250sq ft (23 sq m). You may even be able to accommodate two people quite adequately in a shed this size.

If you are looking at more than one or two people living in a shed, then it would be better to work on choosing a shed that is at least about 350 sq ft (32 sq m) to 400 sq ft (37 sq m).

You also need to look at the layout of the shed. Make sure it will be able to fit the features you need. If everything will fit, then that will be a good size shed to live in.