What is a Cob House?

Photo Courtesy of DIY Natural

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What is a cob house? A cob house is a house that is built almost completely out of natural materials, which are mixed into a form of natural cement. The main ingredients are clay, sand, water and straw, which are usually found in the area where the house is being built. This means that the materials are generally quite affordable.

Cob houses are also unusual and even artistic. They can be recognized by the relatively thick, rounded walls and unusual designs.

Where does the name ‘cob house’ come from?

The word ‘cob’ is an old-English term used to refer to the lumps of clay used in ‘mud buildings’. This was the common method followed to build houses in England for hundreds of years. It’s also the reason that most houses that are built using natural resources, including soil and water, are referred to as ‘cob’ houses.

How strong is a cob house?

The construction of a cob house is solid and can last for a lifetime, or even longer. In fact, some houses built using the cob method are still standing hundreds and even thousands of years later. The oldest known existing cob building  was built more than 10,000 years ago.

Advantages and disadvantages of a cob house

The advantages of a cob house outweigh the disadvantages. You will find that they are an eco-friendly, durable and affordable form of alternative housing.


  • Cob houses make use of space efficiently. The materials used to construct a cob house don’t lend themselves to building large houses, which is why many cob houses are built as tiny homes.
  • Cob houses are built using mainly completely natural resources, which means you will be able to find the materials locally.
  • The designs of cob houses are usually quite individual and artistic. This gives them more appeal.
  • Cob houses are well insulated, which means they are cool in summer and warm in winter. This makes them suitable to be built in just about any location.
  • Cob houses are energy-efficient buildings and are environmentally-friendly.


  • The process of constructing a cob house takes a lot of time and labour. Sourcing and transporting the materials is time-consuming. Mixing them together and constructing the walls is also a lengthy process.
  • Because of the high content of water in a cob house, the walls shrink as they dry. They need to be left for a long time, even months, to dry out completely before moving onto the next stage of the construction.
  • The clay that is the basis of the walls of a cob house is quite porous and will absorb water over time. This means that these houses should not be built in areas with high humidity or where the water table is high.
  • Some areas do not allow, or don’t encourage, building houses following the cob method.

Remember this about cob houses

The beauty of a cob house is that it is affordable, amenable and unusual. It can be made from locally-sourced material and is environmentally friendly.

The major drawback is that a cob house takes a long time to build, so you may need to wait for the final product. However, once the cob house is finished, it will last more than a lifetime.