Truck Bed Tent

What is a Truck Bed Tent?

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Truck Bed Tent

What is a truck bed tent? A truck bed tent is a tent that attaches to the bed of a truck for the purpose of camping. The tent sits in the bed of the truck and is secured by poles and straps. If you have a pickup truck but don’t have access to a trailer or a fifth wheel, your most economical move might be getting a truck bed tent. 

A wealth of companies manufactures these specialized tents, which means you can probably find a tent for your truck no matter the length and width of the bed.

What is the point of a truck tent?

A truck bed tent can give a traveler a little extra freedom when camping since it doesn’t require a traditional spot on the ground for the tent, and there’s no need for an RV hookup for power. If you like picking up and moving almost every night, a truck tent camper is an excellent way to keep things easy.

When you camp in a traditional camping spot, you’ll benefit from the clearing that exists at most camping sites. You won’t need to arrange your tent to avoid roots and branches. All you need to do is find a parking spot. The tent stays clean, too, because it’s not set up on the ground. You’ll also avoid most bugs and creepy crawlies when you’re up off the ground.

What size tent will fit in a truck bed?

Technically, you don’t need to buy a tent made specifically for your truck bed. Many two-person tents fit neatly in the back of a truck bed. However, it’s a good idea to measure the width and length of your bed before buying a tent.

One of the benefits of getting a truck bed tent, however, is that they’re often designed to pop open in seconds inside the truck bed. As long as you get the right size tent for your truck bed, it may only take a few minutes to set up camp after you’ve found your parking spot in the wilderness.

Who makes the best truck bed tent?

Asking which manufacturer makes the best truck bed tent is rather subjective. However, it’s helpful to explore the unique features of each model to figure out which truck bed tent might suit your needs best. A handful of companies that manufacture truck bed tents are Napier, Kodiak, FOFANA, Guide Gear, and SportZ.

One of the most significant factors that will impact your purchase choice will be the size of the tent. Still, you’ll also need to take other things into consideration. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I need a tent mattress to make the truck bed smooth and even?
  • Where are the zippers on the truck bed tent, and do they allow easy access from the tailgate?
  • Does the tent feature any storage pockets or windows?
  • Is the tent waterproof, water resistant, or outfitted with a rain guard?

Can you use a ground tent in a truck bed?

Technically, you can use any tent in a truck bed, as long as it fits. However, one of the benefits of a truck bed tent is that they’re made in sizes meant to maximize the overall size of the truck bed with no wasted inches on either side that you could otherwise have for sleeping and storage.